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SearchGPT (as the name suggests, a challenger to Google for end-user search)

🔗 To join the waitlist early, users can visit OpenAI's website.

Google drops 📉 as speculation spreads on SearchGPT's impact

🔍Search will be more advanced yet just as essential; there is still a place for the content creator.

📊 Google will evolve to keep up with the evolving search landscape.

▶️ High value content needs to be created for discoverability on AI search engines.

🌱 Disruption creates deconstruction and with it new opportunities; those who leverage these will lead the next search era.

Key Insights

🤖 How SearchGPT Works: In contrast to conventional search engines, we make our results feel more conversational and intuitive while focusing on user experience in terms of design and credibility from real-time reputable sources.

Impact on Google 📈: The gradual obsolescence of platforms is a consequence to be feared about, especially now that Google's market share may have reached its peak, but then history tells us well-established company do not go extinct as easily in integrated markets.

📝 Function of Content Creators: Publishers and the authors will remain a key role, as AI search engines use only stored information to generate results, so relevant content must constantly be generated.

🌍 Preparing for Change: Businesses that jump on new technology trends early — such as leveraging solutions like SearchGPT — can emerge out of the curve and reap bigger rewards.

Authority — brands that demonstrate the ability to publish consistent information around a topic will be more visible and considered by AI-powered search engines;

Opportunities in Disruption: New technology like SearchGPT (Tell apart from search engines) gives scope to innovate! Think those who got on top by luck over skill and chanting about the death of SEO?


so search GPT is out and in this video I want to go over what it is how to get Early Access how it may affect Google and how to do SEO or how SEO for search GPT will look like in the future so if you don't know uh open I released this about uh 24 hours ago it's called search GPT it is a prototype at the moment and basically what it does is a direct compared to Google right you go here you can just input your search query on it hit search and then as you can see here this is what the UI will look like it's a Google like search engine right you can ask it anything unlike chat GPD what it is a chat there's back and forth here there's also some back and forth because you can ask full up questions but it's basically I mean a direct compared to Google where is it gives you like a result search based of what it is that you're asking with of course linking out to some of the sources um again we're testing search gpg a temporary prototype of new AI search features that give you Fast And Timely answers with clear and relevant sources and this is exactly what users want right people complain about Google all the time where you search for something right you search for something and then the top uh results right the top 1 2 3 4 all about the fold is all ads you have to scroll down to find actual um organic results right and it's it's a pain right because what users want with search engines right is access to information as fast as possible right and there we go here's the official announcement right uh it was announced uh like a day ago and a lot of people are commenting SEO right now licking their lips and excited for what's to come because the reality is that again SEO isn't going away right this is yet another search engine right as long as we have search engines right as long as we have engines where people can search for stuff and it gives his results regardless of how the results are displayed right SEO people that do search engine optimization will always have a job and this is again another um interesting move in the timeline timeline of of the AI space where sech would still exist right search engine would still exist in the AI space but the seo4 is going to be a bit different but again a lot of mixed feelings people are saying that Google is going to um be destroyed Google's stock is down by a lot uh I mean the market overall is down I'll show you right here real quick alphabet stock and this like this is basically happens uh because people let's just do this people are just like they're too quick to making decisions right same thing happened when cat GPD came out right people were saying Oh Google's going away but yeah Google is still here and a lot of people still use it but again it went down I think they lost a couple billions in market cap that being said the market as a whole also fell and um don't be like alarm with all these like people saying the world's going to end because the extremes are never true right when cat GPD came out people thought the world's going to change Google's going away it never went away right companies adapt and the world adapts to what the the consumer wants and so Google isn't going away and SE isn't going away so um I also want to show you like how the UI will look like more again this is sort of a prototype still um but again you can search for stuff and it will give you real time information based on relevant sources and you can click the sources right for the uh where the info was found on right and so you can also still do SEO for it right and I like the fact that um it is as it say search in a more natural intuitive way so it's not the the old Google search where you search for something right and there's like only Blue Links right and I think Google's going to have to adapt right Google has been adapting for throughout the years right for example this is an adaptation right they show you like when you search they show you the stock graph they show you this stuff right like years ago this didn't happen years ago it was just a Blue Link so Google is adapting right uh Google is sort of trying to do actually searched or search now he's sort of making this taking it to a Next Level so more intuitive more natural way of searching which is giving you a lot of information off the bat images links in different ways not just like a bunch of Blue Links right and so that's that now how to get Early Access it's quite simple just go to uh and go to the search GPD Tab and click just join Weight list right it's pretty simple join Weight list you have to be logged in with your account, I already joined the weight list and so when I have full access I'll make a video on it on how it works and all that and um and that's set now how are we going to be doing SEO for this again we SEO isn't going way we're all still going to have to be producing content because these search engines the information that displayed right the information that's on here is based off of Publishers like Publishers like me and you sorry about that Publishers like me and you that feed the search engine right and it's the job of the search engine to then give back to the Publishers by citing the sources right for example how they do it here right they site the sources and if you want to learn more about it if you want to discover the products that are recommended here you go down then to the source because these new search engines will never have a full the the full information out of the bat because it's too much information so it'll always link out to the main source where for example if it's an e-commerce store you through and find the story of the agency there some case studies some stuff so the information that the search engine display will not be enough to make a decision on buying something or not right in my opinion you're always going to have to click to learn more from the actual Source right just like with um when you're searching for products for example Nike shoes right and you there's a bunch all these here right you still click through all them and see if the story is trustworthy if it has a reviews right you don't just click and buy right off the bat right so I think this sort of mindset will still apply to these searches because again this just shows you the shoes doesn't show you the reviews of the shoe I mean some of them do but not all show you the reviews of the shoes show you if the story is stress wordy or not so it's only the top level information right and if you want to learn more you just click on it okay hopefully this is making sense now how all of this might affect Google is simply if Google doesn't adapt right that being said Google will of course adapt right these These are billion dollar companies they know what they're doing even though there's like this narrative on Twitter that Google is is doomed they have no idea what they're doing they have really smart people working on there and they do actually know what they're doing and they have that's why they're they they're a multi-billion dollar company right so they will adapt based on what the customer wants for example C GPT is building this right they build search GPT right if of course there's massive option this and the world sees that this is the new way people want to search for Stuff of course Google will adapt and Implement things accordingly right uh but as of now Google still works right and Google still constantly doing improvements on how um they they display information but one thing I want to make clear is that we are seeing an evolution in search engines right but still search engines are here and again as long as we have search engines we're going to have the ability to optimize for these search engines right um in these ones right in AI based search engines uh there's more emphasis post emphasis um positioned on backlinks right because they will recommend the stuff right they'll recommend certain results based on their Authority right based on how the AI engine feels like why are they recommending these two sites right why not other ones because maybe these two sites have um a whole site that talks about um I don't know this type of fish a bunch of blog posts about fishing right they have relevant context in these Niche that's why they're recommended right and this relevant is built through content to content marketing to backlink building so you're always still going to have to produce content to show up on these AI search engines right it's not as if like written SEO content is going away it is not right you're still always going to have to make your brand relevant for a certain topic and relevancy comes with content right comes with showing off your expertise whether that's through video written form and then you of course with all that you build backlinks and you build your brand with that right and this type of content that's going to be showed right for example when you type in Nike shoes of course the first um the first um listings that show up that are not ads will be like the Nike official shop and then of course other ones right because again this is the Nike brand they've built Authority in this space right hopefully this is making sense and so again because of that you're always going to have to build up your brand and to build up your brand you're going to have to build up the what what people usually call topical Authority oh that's an a sorry which is usually built with blog posts right uh brand building with YouTube videos um social media right all this is going to be building up your brand and this ties in perfectly with what I what our software does which basically allows you to build out um beautiful blog posts with in article images internal links linking out to your products external links even in article videos are relevant to what the content oh what the content is about all you to build also take Amazon product listings right and with a cup with just a click build out uh Amazon product listing reviews right this has links to the Amazon products uh also allows you to build up news right news articles with trustworthy information based on real life events right with the um sources right here again if you have a website that talks about uh gardening right you sell gardening supplies you might might want to have sorry a a new section where you just push out all the news in the new in the gardening space new seeds new species that were discovered new ways to plant right all these news in the um in your Niche basically right and having and Publishing for example news articles to your site uh and your brand we'll make sure these new search engines and this new AI space knows okay these guys have a lot of news on their site about this topic so yeah surely they're producing content about this they are making themselves relevant for uh for this Niche right hopefully this is all making sense but my point is that you're still going to going to have to produce valuable content to cement yourself as a brand in the space whether you choose to like have a news news space on your site whether you choose have like a blog post with valuable information like a Blog uh blog with multiple blog posts or whether you choose to review uh Amazon product Lings right uh you're still going to have to be producing content and for that you can use journalist just go to give it a go my goal of this video is not to sell you on this in fact you can get it for free uh um if you want to get it just yeah that's that's what it does my goal is just to show you like and uh hype you on the future of search because it's going to be really cool and um the good thing about disruption it's the last thing I'm going to say right here the good thing about disruption is that it opens up up a lot of opportunity because when things change the first people to take action and adapt are going to be the winners right and I know this is super click but it's just reality right the people that adapt to this new age of search will win okay so yeah that's basically the video again I want to say one more time you're still going to have to produce content because again these search engines will take the info from what's already out there in on the internet right the info they're going to be displaying based on your search queries is taken from blog post you've written news posts you've written right Amazon product listing reviews you've written all the stuff you produce it's going to cement you as an authority in a certain space and then they will scour the internet to see okay who's the authority in the space for XYZ and will submit your results in the search changes itself that's it thank you for watching like subscribe and I'll catch you on the next one.


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Highlights SearchGPT  (as the name suggests, a challenger to Google for end-user search) 🔗 To join the waitlist early, users can visit Open...

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